Small Talk
A cat lays down on the ground outside beside from grass, relaxed and grooming itself. A cat lays down on the ground outside beside from grass, relaxed and grooming itself.
by: Smalls Team

Spring Cleaning For Cat People


Our feline friends love to keep *themselves* clean, and it's our job as their humans to keep the rest of their environment clean and safe.

And while for cat parents cleaning of any sort can feel futile, Spring is actually a great time to get a jumpstart on building better cleaning habits that are sure to spark joy for you and your cat.

Here are some tips to keep your home clean when living with cats →

Spring Cleaning Checklist: Cat fur off... everything, That hairball stain on the rug, Deep clean the litter box

Tip #1: Cleaning up cat fur

As temperatures rise, your cat's winter coat will naturally begin to shed. Cat fur is like a magnet to most surfaces, so check out these different tips to best remove your cat's shedded fur from around your home.

  • To clean your cat's fur off your couch

    Depending on how your couch is upholstered, there are a few different techniques you can try to remove unwanted cat fur.

  • Slip on some damp rubber gloves and lightly pull your hand across the fabric; the fur will cling to the glove!

  • Oh, regular lint rollers work too

  • To clean your cat's fur off your floors

  • To clean your cat's fur off your floors

    Cat fur can easily accumulate on your floors, however these tips make it easy to clean up.

  • On tiled floors, use a dry mop to pick up cat hair. The fur's static will cling to the mop!

  • On a low pile rug, you can use dry rubber gloves or a pumice stone to gently remove shedded cat fur

Tip #2: Cleaning up a hairball stain

Hairballs can be a fact of life for some cats, but there are ways to quickly clean them up, and the stains they can leave behind.

  • To clean a new hairball stain

    Spray a mix of vinegar and water over the stain. Let sit for a few minutes and blot dry with a cloth.

  • To clean an older hairball stain

    Pour baking soda over the stain and spray with a water-vinegar mixture. Let sit for an hour and then blot up the stain with a dry cloth.

Tip #3: Deep cleaning the litter box

While it's easy to scoop out the litter box daily, it's also important to take some extra time to deep clean your cats litter box at least every week.

Materials you need to clean the litter box

  • Rubber gloves

  • A dust mask

  • Mild dish soap

  • Vinegar

  • Hot water

  • Baking soda

🚫 Do NOT use any harsh chemicals or scented products around or in your cat's litter box

  • Step 1: Protect yourself from germs and dust

    Safety first. Always wear gloves and a dust mask when fully cleaning your cat's litter box to protect your skin and lungs from the dust crystals

  • Step 2: Remove all litter

    Put the scoop down, and grab a trash bag. Dump the entire contents of your cat's litter box into the bag and dispose of in the trash. Cat litter can't be recycled or composted, so off to the landfill it goes!

  • Step 3: Deep soak the box

    Soak the box in hot water with a drop of dish soap and a tablespoon of vinegar. This will help eliminate odors and kill bacteria.

  • Step 4: Dry & prep the box

    After it has soaked in hot water, let the box air dry. Once it's dried, sprinkle the bottom of the box with a thin layer of baking soda.

  • Step 5: Refill the box

    Add in your cat's preferred litter, and voilà!

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